Medard Gabel

Seminars, Lectures, Workshops:
American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), Boston, Los Angeles
ASTD, Lincoln, Nebraska
AT&T Corporation
Battelle Memorial Institute
Body Shop, Canada
British Airways
Brown and Williamson
Burger King
Chase Manhattan Bank
CompuServe Corporation
Delta Airlines, Atlanta
Du Pont Corporation
Exxon Corporation
General Motors International Operations
General Motors Delphi
General Motors North American Operations
General Motors Public Policy Center
General Motors Mexico
General Motors Metals Fabrication Division
Glaxo Corporation
Global Environmental Management Inst.
IBM, Penang, Malaysia
Infonet Corporation
Instituut voor Publiek en Politiek, Netherlands
International Junior Chamber of Commerce
Japan Junior Chamber of Commerce
Leadership Inc.
Lucent Technologies, Morristown, NJ
MasterCard International
Motorola Corporation, Austin, TX
Motorola Corporation, Beijing, China
Motorola Corporation, Hong Kong
Motorola Corporation, Schaumburg, Illinois
Motorola Corporation, Singapore
Motorola Corporation, Puket, Thailand
Motorola Corporation, Tempe, Arizona
New Directions for the News, Charlotte, NC
Network Ireland
Net Impact, Thunderbird, MBA
New Zealand Junior Chamber of Commerce
Novartis Corporation, Washington DC
Pillsbury Corporation, Minneapolis
Rotary International, Calgary
The Vanguard Group, Malvern, PA
World Bank
Young President’s Organization, London, Mexico City, Los Angeles, Ontario, Wichita, San Salvador, Istanbul, Atlanta


Allentown College, St. Francis DeSales
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American University, Washington D.C.
Antioch University West
Arcadia College
Arizona Dept. of Education
Arkansas Governor's School
ASTC, Toronto
Austin Community College
Baruch College
Beyond War, Connecticut
Brooklyn Friends School
Brown University
Bryn Mawr College
Burklyn Business School
Buckminster Fuller Institute
California Polytechnic University
Campus Outreach Opportunity League, Fl
Canadian International School/Hong Kong
Carlow College
Carnegie Science Center
Chattanooga State University
Chestnut Hill Academy
Chestnut Hill College
Chinese International School/Hong Kong
Colby College
College of the Atlantic
College of Marin
College of St. Rose
Colgate University
Colorado Democrats
Concord Academy
Conference Board
Cornell University
Council on Foundations
Delfin International, Aruba, Sedona, Chitzin Itsa
Dickinson College
Drexel University
Drew University
Elmira College
Episcopal Academy
Ermitage, Ecole Internationale
Friends Select
Florida State University
Gettsyburg College
Global Forum, Brazil
Goddard College
Gould Academy
Governor's Energy Council, Harrisburg, PA
Hamilton College
Harvard Business School
Hong Kong International School
Houston Children’s Museum
Illinois College
Indiana University
International Development Conference
International School of Dusseldorf
Ithaca College
Kent State University
Kentucky Wesleyan College
Kentucky Women’s Leadership Conference
Keystone State College
Kyoto Research Park, Conference on Global Warming, COP3
James Madison University
J. F. Kennedy College
Lafayette College
Lake Forest Academy
La Salle College
Lehigh University
Lycee International
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Meredith College
Micro-Mentor, Boston
Model United Nations, Annual Meeting New York
Monmouth College
Morogoro University, Tanzania
Moravian College
McGill University
Mt. St. Mary's University
Museum of Natural History
National Council of Foundations
New Directions for the News, Charlotte, NC
National Food Policy Conference, Washington, D.C.
New Haven College
New Service Alliance, Toronto
New York University
New Zealand Environmental Groups
North Carolina State University
North Hampton Community College
Northwestern University
Notre Dame High School
Omega Institute
Oregon Institute of Technology
Pace University
Penang 86, Malaysia
Penn Charter School
Pennsylvania Governor's School for International Studies
Philadelphia Food Conference
Population Institute
Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association
Purdue University
Princeton University
Quaker Youth Leadership Conference
Radnor High School, Philadelphia
Ramey School, Puerto Rico
Rhode Island Institute of Design
Rotary International
Rutgers University
Santa Rosa Junior College
Shelburne Farms
Sister Cities International
Springside Academy
Society for General Systems Research, American Association for the Advancement of Science
South Dakota State University
Southern Illinois University, Department of Design
Southern Methodist University
Southwest Minnesota State University
Stockton State College
St. Joseph College
St. Mary's College
Stevens College
Somerset/Mercer Planning Commission, Princeton, NJ
Synergetics Institute, Hiroshima, Japan
Swarthmore College
Tarrytown Conference Center
Temple University
Tennessee Governors School
Tennessee Leadership Conference
Texas A & M University
Thomas Jefferson University
Ton ball College
U.S. Congress
U.S. State Department
U.S. Department of Agriculture
United Nations
University of Alabama
University of Calgary, Canada
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of Colorado, Conference on World Affairs
University of Connecticut
University of Delaware
University of Denver
University of Illinois/Chicago
University of Maine
University of Michigan School of Business
University of Massachusetts
University of Minnesota
University of New Hampshire, NOFA Conference
University of Oklahoma
University of Oregon
University of Ottawa
University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA
University of Pennsylvania
University of San Paulo, Brazil
University of Southern California, Department of Architecture
University of Southern Maine
University of Texas, MBA Program
University of Vermont
University of Wisconsin
Upland Hills Ecological Awareness Center
Upland Hills School
Upper Canada College
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Washington University
Wesleyan College
Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA
Wharton School of International Business
Willamette College
Wilmington Friends School
Wilson Learning Corp
World Affairs Council, Philadelphia
World Future Society
Yale School of Management
Yale School of Forestry

Major Publications:

Climate Change—Take Action Now (UNICEF, 2010) (Editor)
Design Science Lab Report 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
(Design Science Lab, 2006, 2007, 2008) (Editor)
Seven Billion Billionaires: Getting the World What It Wants,
forthcoming, 2010.
Global Inc. An Atlas of the Multinational Corporation, The New Press, 2003.
Empty Breadbasket? The Coming Challenge to America's Food Supply and What We Can Do About It, (co-author) Rodale Press, 1982.
Energy, Earth and Everyone, Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1980.
Ho-Ping: Food for Everyone, Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1979.
Energy, Earth and Everyone, Straight Arrow Books/Simon & Schuster, 1975.
Environmental Design Science Primer, (co-author), Advocate Press/Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Division of Environmental Education, 1975.

Reports, Chapters and Articles:
“The Anticipatory Leader: Buckminster Fuller’s Principles for Making the World Work,” The Futurist, October 2006.
“The World Game” in Cosmograms, (Lukas & Sternberg, NY, 2005).
“Where to Find 4 Billion New Customers: Expanding the World’s Marketplace,” The Futurist, July 2004.
“Globalization and You,” in Futuristics: Volume 2, America: Moving Ahead, Chelsea House Publishers, 2005
“Four Billion New Customers,” GreenBiz, February, 2004.
“Global Links Initiatives-New Product Development and Creative Marketing for the Base of the Global Economic Pyramid: Success Stories" in Rural Marketing in India, (Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India, 2004).
“Buckminster Fuller and the Game of the World” in R. Buckminster Fuller: Millennium Anthology, (St. Martins Press, Spring, 2001).
“Global Recall And NetWorld Game: Global Access To Global Models” in EOLSS, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, UNESCO.
"Mapping the Global Corporation Preliminary Document" editor, World Game Institute, 1999
"NetWorld Game Student Workbook" World Game Institute, 1999
"Ending the World as You Know It" introduction to The End of the World Clover Press, 1999.
"NetWorld Game Primer" editor, World Game Institute, 1999.
"NetWorld Game Teacher’s Guide", World Game Institute, 1999
"Empowering Diversity Handbook" World Game Institute, 1998
"Globalization and Its Impact on Environmental Management", in Environmental Quality Management, Spring, 1997.
"What the World Wants Project", World Game Institute, 1997.
"Women’s Quality of Life Index: Measuring Gender Differences and Difficulties" World Game Institute, 1996.
"The Age of Globalization: Threats and Opportunities", World Game Institute, 1996.
"Socio-Economic Global Data" in Report of the International Workshop on Global Databases, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume XXX, Part 4W1, 1996.
"Renewable Energy", in Encyclopedia of the Future, Macmillan, 1994.
"Increasing Humanity: The Globalization of Citizenship", World Game Review, 1994
"Taking Charge, A Manual for Social Action", World Game Institute, 1994
"What the World Wants", op-ed, Philadelphia Inquirer, 1992.
"A New World Map for a New World Order" World Game Institute, 1991.
"What Does Peace Mean?" World Game Institute, 1987.
"The World Game at Twenty", The Futurist, Sept. 1987
"Food Policies for Cities in Northern Latitudes", with Jon Von Til, chapter in The Comeback of Snowbelt Cities, Sage Publications, 1987.
"Games-Interactive Learning Environments" EMD, New Haven, CT, 1978, revised, 1987.
"Environment, Jobs and Planning" in Dimensions of Change: The Impact of New Technology on Eastern Pennsylvania Conference Proceedings, Lehigh University, 1986.
"The Regeneration of Africa: Resources, Needs and Capacities", prepared for USAID workshop for their staff, Rodale Press, 1986.
"Regenerating America: Meeting the Challenge of Building Local Economies", The Regeneration Project, Rodale Press 1985
"Planning Diseases", The Futurist, Sept. 1984
"Regeneration Zones: Local Economic Development", Rodale Press, 1984.
"Jobs for Americans: The Untapped Potential of America's Largest Industry", The Cornucopia Project, Rodale Press, Inc. 1984.
"Nitrogen Use in Pennsylvania: Prospects For Self-Sufficiency", The Cornucopia Project, Rodale Press, Inc. 1984.
"National Implications of Resource Efficient Farming Techniques in Tanzania", paper presented at University of Morogoro, Tanzania, May 1983, published 1983 by Rodale Press, Inc.
"Research Agenda for the Transition to a Regenerative Food System: From Farmgate to Homeplate", The Cornucopia Project, Rodale Press, Inc. 1983.
"The Long Ranger", The Futurist, Nov. 1983
"Agricultural Residues and Energy Crops", Renewable Energy Sources of Pennsylvania, Governor's Energy Council, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1982.
"The Pennsylvania Food System: Crash or Self-Reliance", The Cornucopia Project, Rodale Press, 1981 (co-author).
"Design Science", Spectrum, Ohio State University, 1981.
"Wind Energy Assessment and Cogeneration Assessment", Onsite Generation, U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service 1980.
"Energy Sources", CoEvolution Quarterly, Spring, 1975.
"World Game Report III", Energy Inventory, Southern Illinois University, 1971.
"World Game Packet" an Inventory of World Resources, Human Trends and Needs, Document One, The World Game, World Resources Inventory, Southern Illinois University, 1971.
"World Game for Educators", Illinois Education Magazine, 1971.
"World Game Report II", Editor, Southern Illinois University, 1970.
"World Game Report", Editor and Writer, New York Studio School, New York, 1969.